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    K/601/0941 Influence of Technology in Tourism Sector by Thomas Cook

    University: UK college of business and computing

    • Unit No: 4
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 20 / Words 5054
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: K/601/0941
    • Downloads: 1570


    In the developed business environment digital tools and technologies are considered as the most essential aspect that plays a vast role in the growth and development of the business at a large level (Aubert, Schroeder and Grimaudo, 2012). In the sector of the services industry, travel and tourism is refers as the most developing segment because it is effective in creating various opportunities for the economic growth of a country. In the sector of travel and tourism digital tools and technologies has a huge influence on the business activities and performance of an organisation. Thomas Cook is the chosen organisation for this particular report, It is an integrated travel and tourism-related financial services organisation with the potential motive of gaining higher growth and profitability by attracting a large number of tourists and visitors towards the firm or its offered products and services, within the market place. The present report will cover the importance of technologies in the growth and development of the firm. An appropriate research project helps the investigator in providing a significant direction to analysing appropriate outcomes and results.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications.

    Research is based on some purpose and the major motive of a researcher is to accomplish the purpose with the help of predetermined research aim and objectives. It is the prior obligation of the researcher is to design clear and concise research aim and objectives in respect to carrying out the exploration work in well structured manner. The given research project is based on the analysis of the impact of digital technologies on encouraging travel and tourism sector among general population. In today's business era the competition is so high at market place and organizations are widely concern on using advance and high tech facilities in respect to developing the operations at global level (Bharadwaj and et. al., 2013). Social media and mobile technology are determined as the most essential source of digital technologies; these tools are applied by small as well as large business enterprises for the purpose of building good relationships with customer's at large scale and with the help of mobile technology communication become easy and reliable among the firm or its customers. Well defined title and objectives helps a researcher in reaching at appropriate result and outcome of the given area of study. The essential topic of this particular research is: "The influence of technology in the travel and tourism sector".

    The present research is based on the discussions about the influence of digital tools and technologies like computerized advancements and its immediate effect on the development and improvement of the travel industry. In the digitalised world, associations are worry on fulfilling the necessities and needs of individuals at commercial centre through offering them simple and reliable services. Appropriate execution of advance technology helps an organisation in improving the execution and profitability of firm through overseeing functions and activities of firm. As a most developing sector travel and the travel industry segment is generally worry on receiving new and imaginative advances tools inside of the associations as to giving assortment of items and services to the general population. As a popular and biggest travel company Thomas Cook is significantly cantered around giving quick and compelling offerings to their potential clients as to satisfying their wants and demands at market place. In regard to maintain their higher position at commercial market Thomas Cook focused on is applying new and inventive technologies and tools at work place as it make benefit in attracting people towards offered items and administration of firm (Chang, 2011). As a large international travel company, the major purpose of the company to develop good relationship with customers in respect to enhancing its market reach. The company is widely concern on using the tool of social media and mobile technologies in respect to building commercial relationship with customers at international level. These digital tools and effective in maintain communication at global level, which create value for the firm i attracting more and more customers towards the firm or its operations.

    Research Aim

    This is the most effective part of research project as the whole exploration activities are based on the predetermined aim of the research. This part helps an investigator in providing a clear direction to implement all the activities in effective and well structured manner. The potential aim of the research is "To analyse the influence of social media and mobile technology on encouraging travel and tourism among the general population". A Case study on Thomas Cook.

    Research Objectives

    The essential objectives of this specified research which are interlinked with the statement of research aim are evaluated as below:

    • To understand the concept of social media and mobile technology and its role in travel and tourism sector.
    • To determine the significance of social media and mobile technology in context of the business growth of Thomas Cook.
    • To ascertain the impact of social media and mobile technology on encouraging travel and tourism at large scale.
    • To measure the relationship between digital technologies and the developing operations of Thomas Cook.

    Research Questions

    The effective research questions of this particular research are determined as below:

    • What is the concept of social media and mobile technology?
    • What are the major significance of social media and mobile technology in context of the business growth of Thomas Cook?
    • What is the impact of social media and mobile technology on encouraging travel and tourism at large scale?
    • What is the relationship between digital technologies and the developing operations of Thomas Cook?

    1.2 Factors which mainly contribute the process of research project specification.

    A research can be portrayed as a systematic examination about a predetermined report and source in regard to execute different facts or figures and reach at definite outcome. Research depends on some predetermined components which drive the work towards right direction through administrating all the operations and functions of research in well structured manner. The report is finished through utilizing different strategies and methods as these aides in giving a proper direction to the researcher to execute all tasks of research in systematic way for the purpose of reaching at the potential outcome (Charles Jr, Schmidheiny and Watts, 2017). The exploration work is based on various aspects, that all are effective in execution of the research in right manner. It has some predefined elements on which the activities of work are based and a deliberate usage of research elements is associated as under:

    Introduction: This is the primary phase of examination as it gives the general depiction about the work on which the exploration is based. This portion of research included distinctive parts; like proper description about the specified area of study, research aim, objectives, questions, significance and the time scale.

    Literature Review: This is likewise an another fundamental piece of research project which helps in leading an inside and out research as to defeat the issue of research. This area helps in giving a hypothetical depiction about the predefined study (Marston and et. al., 2011). In this part data and information a must be gathered by books, diaries and online destinations. This section of the research is based on creating a theoretical framework for the purpose of discussing the research issues in effective manner. In this study has been addressed through analysing the opinion of various authors and writers.

    Research Methodology: This is additionally considered as the most basic piece of research work as it is depends on different applications that assist a research in right direction. This section of research has involve various elements for example, type of research, research design, philosophy, approach, methods of data collection, data sampling etc. s

    Data Analysis: This can be depicted as the compelling part of research work as it helps in analysing all the information and data which are accumulated by analyst through various sources. In this information must be broke down through topical investigation. In this a proper discussion is based is made though conducting survey in which data is gathered through the perception of respondents (Chen and et. al., 2014).

    Conclusion and Recommendation: This is the last piece of research in which general conclusion must be given by researcher as for each part which are coordinated in the midst of the entire exploration work. Recommendation and suggestions are given by the investigator as to working up some predetermined zone in which change is required.

    1.3 Critically assessment all key references

    The concept of social media and mobile technology and its role in travel and tourism sector

    As per the opinion of Matthew Hudson, 2018, Social media is considered as a website and combination of collective applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. that are designed to allow people to share efficiently, quickly and in actual time. In other words social media is referring as a computerised technology which facilitates the transfer and sharing of ideas and data or the building of virtual networks and communities. Mobile technology is also considered as the most essential aspect so digital technology that provides a way to be connected on a network. Social media and mobile technology is about conversations, community, connecting with the audience and building relationships for the purpose of making their offerings easy and comfortable (Mention, 2011). It is not just a broadcast channel or a sales and marketing tool but it is a major source that create value for small as well as large business organisation to enlarge its market reach in respect to attaining higher profitability and growth. Travel and tourism is the most growing sector and has a huge influence on the economic condition of a country. Social mediahas facilitated and expanded an individual's ability to sharetravel experiences with a larger and wider audience than ever before. social media play a vast role in tourism sector, especially in decision-making, marketing campaigns' creation and communication with customers at domestic as well as international level.Also, tourism depends to a high extend on the verbal communication– opinions, recommendations and comments on social media platforms likewise Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter enable customers to share suggestions and tips.

    The major significance of social media and mobile technology in context of the business growth of Thomas Cook.

    According to the opinion of Keran Smth, 2017, Social media and mobile technology is the well known and highly applicable tool of digitalisation. The effectiveness of social media and mobile technology is growing at constant basis. Now a day's competition is on its peak and organisations are widely concern on reaching at higher competitive edge through maximising their operations at global level (Chong, 2014). Social media tools and mobile technologies are considerably applicable source which plays effective role in travel and tourism sector by establishing good and friendly relationship with tourist at global level. Thomas Cook operates its business operations at global level at widely focused on enhancing its market reach and attain higher profitability. There are various importance of social media and mobile technology in the context of Thomas Cook, some are associated as below:

    High Interaction: This is the key benefit of using social media tool for business, it provides a way to interact with people at large scale. Thomas Cook and its management are concern on developing the interaction through tweet and Facebook updates as these are the widely applied source that are used by customers at regular basis.

    Responsiveness: Social media eases the procedure of giving and taking feedback. If the customers have appropriate concerns or issues in regards to the offerings of the firm. Social media provides customers a suitable and accessible way to express what they feel and gives companies a chance to respond. With such platforms, Thomas Cook is able to view complaints and guarantee their customers that their problems will be resolved.

    The impact of social media and mobile technology on encouraging travel and tourism at large scale.

    As per the opinion of Liudmila Kazak, 2016, Social media have a vast positive impact on the tourism sector. The motive of travel industry is to enlarge its market reach in respect to gaining the attention of more and more customers towards the firm or its offerings. Wide spread of the social media or mobile technology and rapid technological evolution have revolutionized all industries in the globe especially tourism. Platform of tourism is significantly get to the Internet nowadays which is vitally essential because tourism is an information-based and information-intensive industry. So the tools of social media and mobile technologies are reliable to provide appropriate flow of information. Social media gives tourism clients to a two-way communication and interaction platform in the manner to providing proper communication platform to discuss about the travelling plans and also taking information about the new as well as old offerings of the firm. With the help of appropriate social media and mobile technologies customers as well as tourist firms can not only search and adopt tourism evaluation information of others when making travelling decisions, but also instantly share tourism experience and satisfaction about their travelling (Drnevich and Croson, 2013). Consumers are widely engage with social networking sites in respect to create informed decisions in regards to their travels and share their personal experiences which they had at a particular hotel, restaurant or airline. Social is effective in strengthen the communication among organisation or its customers. As a customer service channel social media is simply impossible to ignore because social media is effective in gaining the attention of people at global level. People are using social media before, during and after they travel to share experiences, bad or good. From data search to decision making behaviours, social media plays a vast role in many elements of tourism. Social media has facilitated and expanded people's ability to share travel experiences with a larger and wider audience than ever before.

    1.4 Research project specifications

    The considered exploration is based on the analysis of the influence of social media and mobile technology on encouraging travel and tourism among the general population. Travel and tourism is the most developing sector and helps in developing the economic condition of a country through enhancing profitability and opportunities. An exploration report is depends on research aim, objectives and questions. These components help an investigator in moving ahead in the right direction. The real motivation behind the exploration is to talk about an issue with appropriate supports. An exploration can be finished with a legitimate execution of the techniques. The present assessment work depends on qualitative research as in this information is being assembled that are based on qualitative means. IN this descriptive research design has been used among the alternative methods of research design, by the investigator as to give a fitting descriptive analysis on the given research issue (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). For accumulation of applicable data through the fitting facts and interpritivism philosophy is viable and appropriate. Alongside this both primary and secondary sources of information are applied for the purpose of collecting large amount of reliable and actual data and information. Primary source is viable for directing overview for accumulation of essential information; on the opposite side secondary source is successful in leading the segment of literature review through social collection of data from secondary source like books, journals, online sites and so on.

    1.5 Appropriate process and plan for research project specifications.

    TASK 2

    2.1 Usage of resources to met with hypothesis and research questions

    The potential purpose of a research is to addressing an issue that has direct impact on the some aspects. In the present research work the issue s based on the influence of social media and mobile technology on enhancing the operations of travel and tourism sector at a global level. This study helps an individual in attaining proper knowledge about the use of digital technologies and its benefits for the growth of travel and tourism sector. A research work is based on some specified direction in which various elements are used by the investigator to support the exploration in effective manner (Dunning, 2013). Research design determines to over all methodology which a researcher chooses to incorporate different components of research in sensible and in addition comprehensible path with the end goal to address the explore issues. It comprises outline for estimation, accumulation and information examination. Research design is useful to guarantee that a proof to address inquire about related issue. For the most part the research design has various sorts, for example, descriptive, experimental and exploratory. Descriptive research design is the chosen design for this particular research, this tools is applied because it is effective in providing a descriptive analysis on qualitative research. Under this researcher can accumulate data with the assistance of observation, case study and so on. Through this, specialist can gather significant and appropriate information. Then again exploratory research is useful in create hypothesis through inspecting informational collection and furthermore searching for the flow connection among variable. Along these lines, an investigator uses descriptive research design because it provides the data and information in a detailed and systematic way.

    Research techniques are useful in gathering and also analysing the information in a superior way. In this, there are two unique kinds of research types, for example, qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research comprises on questioners, focus group and interview. It enables a researcher to investigate explore theme inside and out with chosen individuals. Under this information is estimated on the basis of qualitative means. On the contrary investigator also applied quantitative research techniques to get more relevant and reliable information. Under this, information is measures regarding quality or numeric terms. In addition to conduct the whole research, an investigator uses qualitative method of research to collect information with the help of questionnaire. The validity of this research method is more because it provides valid results on a specified area of study. On second hand, reliability provides exact reliability of processes and also outcomes and it enhanced transparency in the research. Establishing validity can be present issues for the qualitative investigators and require to be assure credibility, reliability and validity in qualitative.

    2.2 Proposed research investigation in accordance with specification and procedure.

    It is an appropriate procedure of gathering and measuring the data on set variable in precise way. Under this research, an investigator utilizes the diverse techniques for gathering pertinent and exact information with the end goal to doing research in an effective way. The two unique techniques for information accumulation are primary and secondary. In primary tool data is being gathered by utilizing different tools like for a survey, observation and interview. This information will be utilized for the very first time (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012). On the other side secondary source is effective for conducting the section of literature review. In this data and information is being gathered by various sources like books, journals, online sites, news papers etc. In this particular research work both the tools are applied by the researcher for the purpose of generating valid and reliable outcome. For the purpose of accumulating primary information questionnaire is being prepared by the researcher which covers all the aims and objectives of the research.

    A well prepared questionnaire is effective in conducting the survey in appropriate manner. With the end goal to inspect individuals, researcher utilize their skills and knowledge base. In this, an investigator see the attitude and responses of individuals during the entire procedure of survey. It is an obligation of researcher to gather the dependable, exact and pertinent information with the goal that exploration ought to be applicable and its result will be effective. In the research procedures, some time issues are emerge, for example, dependability, factors, legitimacy and variable control. At the duration of gathering information or data, they are not dependable and in addition precise. Some time researcher is fail to gather the significant information so it is a principle issue in an exploration work. It is fundamental that information and data ought to be variable and furthermore be consistent however from a portion of the errors, researcher can't gather that and it creates principle issue at the season of directing an examination.

    2.3 Record and collate relevant data which is appropriate for research project.

    This comprises to be a powerful segment of a research project which helps in determining the perception of individuals through making an inquiry. This area of research depends on topical investigation and in this subjects are set up based on research questions.


    Q1) Are you aware about the concept of social media and mobile technology.


    • Yes


    • No


    Q2) Does the implementation of digital technologies are effective for the growth of travel and tourism industry?


    • Agree


    • Disagree


    Q3) Does the appropriate use of social media and mobile technology support travel agencies in satisfying the needs of its tourists?


    • Yes


    • No


    Q4) What is the major facilities that technology provide to the travel and tourism industry?


    • Support in get customer satisfaction


    • Efficient customers reach


    • Increase profits


    Q5) Which digital tools are applied by Thomas Cook for delivering services to buyers at global level?


    • Social Media


    • Mobile Application


    • Internet Sources


    Q6) What benefits are derived by Thomas Cook through implementing social media and mobile technology in their business operations?


    • Understanding the customers


    • Checking the rivals


    • Delivering great customer services


    • Increasing market reach


    Q7) what are the remuneration of innovative technologies for visitors?


    • Lower prices


    • High quality of service


    • Efficient service delivery


    Q8) Who are the biggest beneficiary of executing social media and mobile application within Thomas Cook?


    • Customers


    • Suppliers


    • Holders Share


    • Employee


    Q9) Give your recommendation what are the modifications that can be undertaken for developing the performance of Thomas Cook.

    TASK 3

    3.1 Use of appropriate research evaluation technique for study.

    There are two interesting sorts of evaluation systems are perceives which is described as below:

    Formative assessment:- According to this factor evaluation of research is going to drove in genuine path by expanding most outrageous engaging. It helps in restricting probability of oversights or mistakes (Kale, 2014). Its chance to learn things by using diverse sensible systems.

    Summative assessment:- In this evaluation system researcher are focussing on consequence of explicit tasks or sessions. In this manner, this stage is a last possibility for summering the research and reaching at the final outcome.

    3.2 Analysis and interpret results for determining original specifications

    Theme 1: People are aware about the concept of social media and mobile technology.


    From the above given report it has been analysed that 25 out of 30 respondents are aware about the concept of social media and mobile technology and remaining people are not satisfied with the same.

    Theme 2: The implementation of digital technologies is effective for the growth of travel and tourism industry.


    As per the description of the above given report it has been interpreted that the implementation of digital technologies is effective for the growth of travel and tourism industry. 24 out of 30 are agreeing with this statement and remaining people are not agreeing with the same.

    Theme 3: The appropriate use of social media and mobile technology support travel agencies in satisfying the needs of its tourists.


    According to the survey, it has been determined that 23 out of 30 people are in favour of this statement that the appropriate use of social media and mobile technology support travel agencies in satisfying the needs of its tourists. And remaining people are not in favour with the same.

    Theme 4: The major facilities that technology provides to the travel and tourism industry


    As per the description of the above-given graph, it has been evaluated that there are various facilities like Support in get customers satisfaction, efficient customers reach, increase profits, that technology provides to the travel and tourism industry.

    Theme 5: Different digital tools are applied by Thomas Cook for delivering services to buyers at global level.


    From the above-mentioned report, it has been identified that Different digital tools are applied by Thomas Cook for delivering services to buyers at global level. 12 out of 30 people go with social media, 12 go with mobile application and remaining go with internet sources.

    Theme 6: Different benefits are derived by Thomas Cook through implementing social media and mobile technology in their business operations.


    According to the description of the survey report, it has been determined that Different benefits like Understanding the customers, Checking the rivals, Delivering great customer services, Increasing market reach are derived by Thomas Cook through implementing social media and mobile technology in their business operations.

    Theme 7: The remuneration of innovative technologies for visitors.


    As per the description of the above mentioned graph it has been analysed that customers attain different remuneration of innovative technologies like Lower prices, High quality of service, efficient service delivery.

    Theme 8: The biggest beneficiary of executing social media and mobile application within Thomas Cook.


    According to the survey it has been analysed that customers are the biggest beneficiary of executing social media and mobile application within Thomas Cook.

    3.3 Make Conclusion and recommendation and further area for consideration

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    Travel and the tourism industry play a noteworthy role to produce an extensive number of income for associations through gaining the attention of customers. Association additionally actualizes diverse procedures with the end goal to extend its business in various parts it prompts its business operations by producing high profitability for the firm in respect to attaining a higher competitive edge. The company is widespread concern about implementing innovation in their operations as they are concerned about using social media tools and mobile applications in respect to building an effective relationship with customers at the global level. It helps to enhance the reputation and brand image of the association in a legitimate way. Association made diverse kinds of adjustment in the framework of association that helps to expand the dimension of the benefit of association in a legitimate way.


    From the above-given report, it has been recommended that Thomas Cook utilize diverse kinds of new and advanced innovation with the end goal to grow business in distinctive areas. It is prescribed that association needs to give diverse kinds of techniques with the end goal to enhance the customer's attraction. The organization needs to concentrate on improving the number of offers of various items which are related to Tourism and the travel industry. Thomas Cook should also apply social media at a wide scale in respect to analysing the customer's choice and preferences and helps them to satisfy the needs by offering goods and per their preferences.

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